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[SPOKEN] [Dr. X:] "Kill her. That's all you have to do." [Nikki:] "Kill Mary?" [Dr. X:] "She's a risk, and get the priest as well." 10 P.M., I feel the rain coming down My face feels the wet, my mind the storm Flashing lights as people race to find shelter from the pour Moving silent, through the streets, they're mine, they're mine Midnite, she sings praises in the Hall To saintly faces hallowed be their names she can't recall Sister Mary, virgin Mary, silent with her sin ( [Mary:] "What are you doing out in the rain?" ) She feels me, I can taste her breath when she speaks ( [Mary:] "I've been waiting for you. Come in." ) Mary, Mary just a whore for the underground They made you pay in guilt for your salvation Thought you had them fooled? Now they've sent me for you You know too much for your own good Don't offer me faith, I've got all I need here My faith is growing, growing tight against the seam What we need is trust, to keep us both alive Help us make it through the night [Mary] I've no more want of any faith Binds my arm and feed my mind The only peace I've ever known I'll close my eyes and you shoot No Mary, listen, you've got to pull your strength from my lips I pray I feed you well Your precious cross is gone, it made me wait so long For what you gave to everyone The priest is cold and dead on his knees he fed From my barrel of death, he turned the Holy water red As he died he said thank you I just watched him bleed [Mary] I feel the flow, the blessed stain Sweating hands like fire, and flames Burn my thighs, spread in sacrificial rite The hallowed altar burns my flesh once more tonight Mary, sweet lady of pain Always alone Blind you search for the truth I see myself in you, parallel lives Winding at light-speed through time No time to rest yet We've got to stop his game Before madness has the final laugh Too much bloodshed We're being used and fed Like rats in experiments No final outcome here Only pain and fear It's followed us both all our lives There's one thing left to see Will it be him or me? There's one more candle left to light [Mary] Don't turn your back on my disgrace The blood of Christ can't heal my deep The sins of man are all I taste Can't spit the memory from my mind I can't cry anymore Mary, my lady of pain, always alone Blind you search for the truth I see myself in you, parallel lives Winding at light-speed through time, you're mine


Comments (1)

Tuesday, 26 July 2011 06:45
A brilliant song. Nothing more to add but that.
Hits 1871
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