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Currently 53,671 Songs Available from 5,610 Albums by 1,645 Artists

Liege Lord
Genre Power Metal
City Stamford, CT
Country USA
Years active 1982-1989, 2000

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Formed as a Judas Priest tribute band named Deceiver, they would change their name to Liege Lord the following year. Their first album, Freedom's Rise, was released as a gatefold LP on Iron Works (a division of Azra) with a limited run of only 2,000 copies. Later that year it was licensed to both Banzai (in Canada) and Black Dragon (in Europe) and reissued with a different cover. The debut was full of raw and heavy power metal like early Jag Panzer or Omen. Then they were picked up by Metal Blade Records and released two more albums. The second album (Burn To My Touch, released in 1987) was similar to the debut but more polished. For their third and final album they took a thrashier approach to their music and replaced original singer Andy Michaud with Joe Comeau.
Comeau, who sounds a lot like Bruce Dickinson on Master Control, played guitar for Overkill from 1995 to 1999 then moved on to Annihilator, providing vocals on three albums from 2000 to 2003. He and guitarist Paul Nelson would briefly reunite the band in 2000 to record "Too Scared To Run" for a Uriah Heep tribute album. They also played a one-off show at that year's Wacken Open Air festival with Sebastian Marino (Overkill, Anvil) on guitar and Rob Mount on drums.

- Keir

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