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You'll feel the heat you'll burn to my touch The cinders fall as they spill abrupt The move is fast glance too slow to find There's more than evil in transgressor's mind I've stepped beyond the law divine and gone beyond limits set, prescribed I live to take don't tread behind intact I'm not and I'm mindless blind The change takes place the sights are set enter my lair and live to regret My lair's a cage impregnable you'll bet a hungry mind is my victim's net My guilt is innocence from which you'll bet To it you're drawn from you it grows on me a turned table is your worst enemy The fact you are in truth you will not be Place of torment my final rest I'll know Before I'm through my flames will rise to show I'll break down I know my end is near unlike your kind I've learned no fear Hellish eyes block my broken view of animism in minds of very few I'll leave a lesson untaught but true my terror lives inside of you


Comments (1)

Thursday, 15 March 2018 13:28
Read the lyrics. 10 HR80s metal stars. Totally classic 80s Metal track!!!
Hits 946
Burn To My Touch Songs Birds Of Prey »
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