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I'm on the run I'm out of the reigns I'm on the loose I'm out of the gates to fight I'm ready to rock tonight You've seen it coming Don't you cross my path I've got ya now You're under my wrath You can't fight it You can't hide it Nowhere to run You're UNDER MY GUN You're UNDER MY GUN You're gonna die young Cause you're UNDER MY GUN I pull the trigger You begin to flash Your body's gone There's nothing but tracks, in sight You're gonna get burned tonight You think you're bad You're not so tough No matter what It's gonna get real rough Can't fight it Can't hide it Nowhere to run You're UNDER MY GUN You're UNDER MY GUN You're gonna die young Cause you're UNDER MY GUN Nowhere to run And nowhere to hide Nowhere to run And nowhere to hide You're UNDER MY GUN (Guitar Solo) You're UNDER MY GUN You're UNDER MY GUN You're gonna die young


Hits 1191
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