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The desert sky, in the middle of the sunrise A new day begins, I look out to the horizon I see the valley across this barren land The snake is stalking, striking what it can Over the mountain, and through the canyon wall Under your souls, hungry for survival The storm grows near, it's all that you can hear Dark clouds that form, they're bringing in the night All at once, I see you standing near Reach out to touch you, but you were never there The wind is blowing on a HOT DESERT NIGHT I hear the thunder as I look into the light Full moon is rising on a HOT DESERT NIGHT My love is burning on a HOT DESERT NIGHT I had a vision, a dream about this place An endless journey, to fill this empty space I need to find you, and know that you'll be there Out in the desert, be there if you dare All at once, I see you standing near Reach out to touch you, but you were never there The wind is blowing on a HOT DESERT NIGHT I hear the thunder as I look into the light Full moon is rising on a HOT DESERT NIGHT My love is burning on a HOT DESERT NIGHT (Guitar Solo) The wind is blowing on a HOT DESERT NIGHT I hear the thunder as I look into the light Full moon is rising on a HOT DESERT NIGHT My love is burning on a HOT DESERT NIGHT The wind is blowing on a HOT DESERT NIGHT I hear the thunder as I look into the light Full moon is rising on a HOT DESERT NIGHT My love is burning on a HOT DESERT NIGHT


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