
Notice: We've changed our Tune In Links

  As part of our efforts to speed up the website, we had to change the links you tune in with.  
Please use this link for all listening options.

We've added even more musicc intot he station and are now over 39,000 songs!  There were a lot of recent (2010 and 2011) releases lately - visit the new music page, or do a live site search for 2011 to see what new stuff has been released from your favorite artists!



Music Videos

For The Love Of Money

Babylon A.D.
The Kid Goes Wild

Def Leppard
Armageddon It

HR80s Artist Bios


Genre: Hard Rock Genre Hard Rock
Years active 1981 - 1987
Country Netherlands
Web http://www.myspace.com/vandenberg121

This Dutch hard rock act was a vehicle for the talents of Adrian Vandenberg (Born 31 January 1954, Holland), formed by the experienced guitarist after the collapse of his previous...

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