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Feeling the eyes that are roaming the earth Desperate hearts that are cursed from their birth I want to be there when we know the reasons why The tragedy and pain we carry through this life At the end of time, I will wait for you Eyes of Eternity will open Live for today because tomorrow is gone Changing the course of the road that you're on I know you'll be there if we go our separate ways We'll find the answers to the questions that we crave At the end of time, I will wait for you Eyes of Eternity will open On the other side, I'll be there for you Eyes of Eternity have spoken Crossing the night I will face it alone Stand at the gates of the spiritual realm I'm going to be there when the eyes begin to shine Illuminating explanations for this life At the end of time, I will wait for you Eyes of Eternity will open On the other side, I'll be there for you Eyes of Eternity have spoken


Hits 671
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