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Say goodbye to all that you have ever known Shadows falling at your feet Feel the enemy that lingers in the air Your destiny is under siege I want you to tell me I need you to be free Bow your head and close your eyes Don't you know that evil's by your side? The witching hour has finally come Every day you fight a war you cannot win See the signs of discontent A legacy of torment follows after you While you slave in decadence I want you to tell me I need you to be free Bow your head, the day is here Don't you know that evil's always near? The witching hour has finally come The stranglehold is hard to see Focus my eyes so I can face the enemy I want you to tell me I need you to be free Bow your head and close your eyes Don't you know that evil's by your side? The witching hour has finally come Bow your head, the day is here Don't you know that evil's always near? The witching hour has finally come


Hits 667
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