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Son of a king, ruler of all, Pharaoh's domain River of Nile, blessing the land, nothing can stand in your way The kingdom is at your command Bowing to fear, wielding control, oppressing the masses Driving the slaves, breaking them down, under a heavy load They cry out, pleading for mercy The power and the glory, the revolutions coming You've got to let my people go Deliverance and redemption, you'll see my retribution The Everlasting The misery, the suffering, a burden so strong Demanding relief, showing the signs, all to a hardened heart You hold out, refusing the warnings The power and the glory, the revolutions coming You've got to let my people go Deliverance and redemption, you'll see my retribution The Everlasting No running away, can't hide for cover No running away from the Eyes River of blood, famine and plagues, miraculous signs Still you refuse, harden your heart, cursing the firstborn sons Crying out, the judgment is here The power and the glory, the revolutions coming You've got to let my people go Deliverance and redemption, you'll see my retribution You'll feel my wrath across the land The power and the glory, the revolutions coming The Everlasting


Hits 666
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