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From afar I have come 'Cause you called to me A guitar was the sound that you heard Like a song on a wave From across the sea Like a vaguely familiar word The ring of fire won't discourage me Though the earth moved under my feet the day that we touched And now - I'm here with you But now - I'm wanting to Get back to my home and the ones I miss so much Midnight, midnight in Tokyo Where the neon lights the land of the rising sun Midnight, oh midnight I must go But one day I will return if you'll only wait for me ln each place I can feel the warmth of you In your face I can see that you're strong And respect is what I've learned from you When I'm gone, it won't be for long I ride the "Bullet" through the heart of you Though the winds will blow And the rain will fall when I'm gone But now - I'm here with you And now - I'm wanting to get back to my home And the ones who miss me so much Midnight, midnight in Tokyo Where the neon lights the land of the rising sun Midnight, oh midnight I must go But one day I will return if you'll only wait for me Midnight, Oh midnight in Tokyo Where the neon lights the land of the rising sun Midnight, oh midnight I must go But one day I will return if you'll only wait Only wait for... me


Comments (1)

Russ Yetter
Thursday, 02 March 2017 08:59
Hits 1323
« Lonely side of town Mean Streak Songs Breaking away »
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