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What's left for me to see In my ship I sailed so far What can the answer be Don't know what the questions are And after all I've done Still I cannot feel the sun Tell me save me In the end our lost souls must repent I must know it is for certain Can it be the final curtain As long as the wind will blow I'll be searching high and low Who knows what's really true They say the end is so near Why are we all so cruel We just fill ourselves with fear And heaven and hell will turn All that we love shall burn Hear me trust me In the end our lost souls must repent I must know it is for certain Can it be the final curtain As long as the wind will blow I'll be searching high and low Final curtain Final curtain


Comments (2)

Monday, 08 October 2012 15:26
I remember that I used to work out hard when I was a teenager while I was listening to Live in Leningrad , lol
Thursday, 12 August 2021 09:44
Why oh why must HR80s play Yngwie every 2 hours?
Hits 990
« Golden Dawn Fire And Ice Songs
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