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A scream unlocks the cage The roar's rock the stage Hunger of animals are calling Thrive upon the rage Paw prints on the page The roam's going wild, walls are falling Lights shine illumination bright Reveal all the madness here tonight Welcome, I bid you welcome, to life Inside the electric circus Hang on, hang on for your life The animals are all insane - God help us Electricity to burn Amplifiers churn Three ring madhouse calls the action It's life upon the road Insane asylum grows Night after night, the main attraction A strange world that you might wanna know When it comes alive - crank up the show Welcome, I bid you welcome, to life Inside the electric circus Hang on, hang on for your life The animals are all insane - God help us Welcome, I bid you welcome, to life Inside the electric circus Hang on, hang on for your life The animals are all insane - God help us Welcome, I bid you welcome, to life Inside the electric circus Hang on, hang on for your life The animals are all insane - God help us


Comments (2)

Brian Lingofelter
Wednesday, 10 April 2013 09:42
Great song!
Thursday, 16 May 2013 04:32
absolutely love this song!!!!
Hits 1378
« The Big Welcome Inside The Electric Circus Songs 9.5.-N.A.S.T.Y. »
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