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Father come save us from this Madness we're under God of creation are we blind? Cause some here are slaves That worship guns that spit thunder The children that you've made Have lost the minds This monster that we call the earth Is bleeding Cause the children have been Left along too long This thing that we've made is fat And feeds on the hate Of the millions that it's taught to sing The song The headless children The screams that fill the night Fill the night fill the night fill the night Oh the headless children The madness steals the light Steals the light steals the light steals the light Time bombs in the hands of all the wicked warbabies Light the fuse of temptation and we all burn Four horsemen sit high up in the saddle And waiting are ride the bloody trail of no return Sleeping in the arms of a nightmare and Wake to find we've been away too long This Frankenstein of flash Stitched together back from death And preying on the souls of everyone The headless children The screams that fill the night Fill the night fill the night fill the night Oh the headless children The madness steals the light Steals the light steals the light steals the light


Hits 1019
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