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Queensryche Take Hold Of The Flame Lyrics We see the light of those who find A world has passed them by To late to save a dream that's growing cold We realize that fate must hide it's face From those who try To see the distant signs of unforetold Oh... oh, take hold From a haze came a rage of thunder Distant signs of darkness on the way Fading cries scream of pain and hunger But in the night the light will guide your way So take hold of the flame Don't you see lifes a game So take hold of the flame Youve got nothing to lose, but everything to gain Ride, to a place beyond our time Reach, for the edges of your mind, and you are there See, that the light will find it's way Back to a place where it will stay, make it stay Throw down the chains of oppression that bind you With the air of freedom the flame grows bright We are the strong, the youth united We are one, we are children of the light So take hold of the flame Don't you see lifes a game So take hold of the flame Youve got nothing to lose, but everything to gain


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