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Let me hear you scream! I'm black and bruised, beat up but still I take the blows 'Cause all I need is blood and sweat and skin and bones I'll take this bait, resolve your case, nobody said it's easy It's do or die, only the strong survive, get ready for the last stand! Get ready, I'm your hangman! Let me hear you scream like you want it! Let me hear you yell like you mean it! If you gotta, GO DOWN! GO LOUD! GO STRONG! GO PROUD! GO ON! GO HARD OR GO HOME! Let me hear you! (let me hear you!) Let me hear you! (let me hear you!) Let me hear you scream! I'll pull you up and push you right back in your place I'll take you down and wipe that smile right off your face I'll watch you break, you're mine to take, don't blink, you just might miss it! It's all or nothing, nowhere left to run, are you ready for the last fight? Get ready with the war cry! Let me hear you scream like you want it! Let me hear you yell like you mean it! If you gotta, GO DOWN! GO LOUD! GO STRONG! GO PROUD! GO ON! GO HARD OR GO HOME! Let me hear you! (let me hear you!) Let me hear you! (let me hear you!) Let me hear you scream! [Guitar Solo] Let me hear you scream like you want it! Let me hear you yell like you mean it! If you gotta, GO DOWN! GO LOUD! GO STRONG! GO PROUD! GO ON! GO HARD OR GO HOME! Let me hear you scream like you want it! Let me hear you yell like you mean it! If you gotta, GO DOWN! GO LOUD! GO STRONG! GO PROUD! GO ON! GO HARD OR GO HOME! Let me hear you! (let me hear you!) Let me hear you! (let me hear you!) Let me hear you scream!


Hits 1075
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