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Currently 53,671 Songs Available from 5,610 Albums by 1,645 Artists

City Accrington, Lancashire, England
Country UK
Years active 1976 - 1982

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Formed in 1976, Oxym originally consisted of Rob Rigby (R.I.P. 2011) on vocals and guitars, Ross Halliwell on bass and Mik Wilson on drums, and later added Phil Lord as a second guitarist. Their plans to release a single were stalled in 1979 when Halliwell died in a motorcycle accident. Replacing him with Nigel Talbot from the punk band Schoolgirl Bitch, Oxym quickly got back on their feet and in 1980 the single Music Power was released on the small Cargo label. It was a very strong single showing their early Judas Priest style with progressive rock tendencies. Later that year they appeared on the New Electric Warriors compilation with an exclusive track ("Hot Rain"). Unfortunately, luck was not on their side and by 1982 they had disbanded. In 1992 Talbot reappeared in the reunited version of Buffalo before moving to Ireland in the mid-1990s.

- Keir

Albums (1)
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Hits 4159
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