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You say our love Is like dynamite Open your eyes 'Cause it's like fire and ice Well you're killing me Your love's a guillotine Why don't you just set me free [Chorus:] Too young to fall in love I'm too young Too young to fall in love I'm too young Too young to fall in love I'm too young Too young to fall in love I'm too young Too young to fall in love I'm too young Too fall in love Run for the hills We're both sinners and saints Not a woman, but a whore I can just taste the hate Well now I'm killing you Watch your face turning blue Not yet a man Just a punk in the street [Chorus:] [Solo:] You say our love Is like dynamite Well it's no surprise Cause you've got one-way eyes Well you're killing me Your love's a guillotine Not yet a man Just a punk in the street


Hits 1384
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