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Welcome to where time stands still No one leaves and no one will Moon is full, never seems to change Just labeled mentally deranged Dream the same thing every night I see our freedom in my sight No locked doors, No windows barred No things to make my brain seem scarred Sleep my friend and you will see That dream is my reality They keep me locked up in this cage Can't they see it's why my brain says Rage Sanitarium, leave me be Sanitarium, just leave me alone Build my fear of what's out there And cannot breathe the open air Whisper things into my brain Assuring me that I'm insane They think our heads are in their hands But violent use brings violent plans Keep him tied, it makes him well He's getting better, can't you tell? No more can they keep us in Listen, damn it, we will win They see it right, they see it well But they think this saves us from our hell Sanitarium, leave me be Sanitarium, just leave me alone Sanitarium, just leave me alone Fear of living on Natives getting restless now Mutiny in the air Got some death to do Mirror stares back hard Kill, it's such a friendly word Seems the only way For reaching out again.


Comments (3)

Monday, 01 October 2012 18:04
What the ??? ! 10* HR80S 'nuff said.
Russ Yetter
Tuesday, 29 July 2014 07:57
Saturday, 28 October 2017 06:23
There will never be anything like 80's Metallica! And it wasn't until Justice for All that MTV starting show some love and turning them on to the general public. No internet nor radio play and they killed it. Classic track!
Hits 1954
« The Thing That Should Not Be Master of Puppets Songs Disposable Heroes »
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Miss Lilly
Time Left: 00:18

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