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Lashing out the action, returning the reaction Weak are ripped and torn away Hypnotizing power, crushing all that cower Battery is here to stay Smashing through the boundaries Lunacy has found me Cannot stop the Battery Pounding out aggression Turns into obsession Cannot kill the Battery Cannot kill the family Battery is found in me Battery Crushing all deceivers, mashing non-believers Never ending potency Hungry violence seeker, feeding off the weaker Breeding on insanity Smashing through the boundaries Lunacy has found me Cannot stop the Battery Pounding out aggression Turns into obsession Cannot kill the Battery Cannot kill the family Battery is found in me Battery Circle of Destruction, Hammer comes crushing Powerhouse of energy Whipping up a fury, Dominating flurry We create the Battery Smashing through the boundaries Lunacy has found me Cannot stop the Battery Pounding out aggression Turns into obsession Cannot kill the Battery Cannot kill the family Battery is found in me Battery


Comments (1)

Russ Yetter
Friday, 11 March 2016 07:09
come on ppl..this whiole disc is a 10!!! CRANK IT!!
Hits 1305
Master of Puppets Songs Master of Puppets »
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