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Dealing out the agony within Charging hard and no one's gonna give in Living on your knees, conformity Or dying on your feet for honesty Inbred, our bodies work as one Bloody, but never cry submission Following our instinct not a trend Go against the grain until the end Blood will follow blood Dying time is here Damage Incorporated Slamming through, don't fuck with razorback Stepping out? You'll feel our hell on your back Blood follows blood and we make sure Life ain't for you and we're the cure Honesty is my only excuse Try to rob us of it, but it's no use Steamroller action crushing all Victim is your name and you shall fall Blood will follow blood Dying time is here Damage Incorporated We chew and spit you out We laugh, you scream and shout All flee, with fear you run You'll know just where we come from Damage Incorporated Damage jackals ripping right through you Sight and smell of this, it gets me goin' Know just how to get just what we want Tear it from your soul in nightly hunt Fuck it all and fucking no regrets Never happy ending on these dark sets All's fair for Damage Inc. you see Step a little closer if you please Blood will follow blood Dying time is here Damage Incorporated


Hits 1499
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