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Spineless from the start, sucked into the part Circus comes to town, you play the lead clown Please, please Spreading his disease, living by his story Knees, knees Falling to your knees, suffer for his glory You will Time for lust, time for lie Time to kiss your life goodbye Send me money, send me green Heaven you will meet Make a contribution And you'll get a better seat Bow to Leper Messiah Marvel at his tricks, need your Sunday fix Blind devotion came, rotting your brain Chain, chain Join the endless chain Taken by his glamour Fame, Fame Infection is the game, stinking drunk with power We see Time for lust, time for lie Time to kiss your life goodbye Send me money, send me green Heaven you will meet Make a contribution And you'll get a better seat Bow to Leper Messiah Bow to Leper Messiah Witchery, weakening Sees the sheep are gathering Set the trap, hypnotize Now you follow Time for lust, time for lie Time to kiss your life goodbye Send me money, send me green Heaven you will meet Make a contribution And you'll get a better seat Bow to Leper Messiah Lie.


Hits 1392
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