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Only time keeps me hangin´ on And just this once I fall apart Break these chains Take these chains And lift them from my soul If this time I find a way Won´t you take from me Dying just to live Still givin´ all I give Dying just to live This all I ever did with my soul I´m burnin´ up yeah And I´m fallin´ down But I never knew all I had I found In this place I have not know The feelings I had lost Oh and if I find another way The sun will burn on through yeah Dying just to live Still givin´ all I give Dying just to live This all I ever did with my soul Oh I´m fallin´ down Oh oh I´m fallin´ down Oh I have not found yeah my way Only time it keeps me hangin´ on Listen just this one and ah I fall apart Break these chains from me And take these chains from me Won´t you lift them from my soul And let me hold


Hits 892
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