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Inside my camera is watching Memorizing my view of earth And stained is the eye Ambitions not where they should be Out of focus - too much fantasy Within hides the dreamer From the north to the desert sand Chaos disturbed the land And revelation was left behind us Lost without a cry A silent lullaby And I'm waiting - waiting for the healer I see with bleeding eyes I carry the world on my shoulders The load is heavy And it's time for an awakening The road is long - I've been told But I think it's short Time goes by - and I wonder how the world is taught From the streets of Babylon To the sound of a modern gun I know the story but it doesn't come clean I'm a superskitious man - fed the neon screen Riding on the rise of tomorrow Fading rainbow in the eyes of sorrow I've read the script - rehearsed the dream Faking death at the battle scene, yeah I wanna change it - I wanna change it I wanna change it - And rearrange it I wanna change it - I wanna change it I see with bleeding eyes I carry the world on my shoulders The load is heavy And it's time for an awakening The road is long - I've been told But I think it's short Time goes by - and I wonder how the world is taught From the streets of Babylon To the sound of a modern gun I know the story but it doesn't come clean I'm a superskitious man - fed the neon screen Riding on the rise of tomorrow Fading rainbow in the eyes of sorrow I've read the script - rehearsed the dream, yeah Faking death at the battle scene From the streets of Babylon To the sound of a modern gun I know the story but it doesn't come clean I'm a superskitious man - fed the neon screen Riding on the rise of tomorrow Fading rainbow in the eyes of sorrow I've read the script - rehearsed the dream, yeah Faking death at the battle scene I see with bleeding eyes I wanna change it - I wanna change it I carry the world on my shoulders I wanna change it And rearrange it


Hits 860
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