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Currently 53,671 Songs Available from 5,610 Albums by 1,645 Artists

Lizzy Borden
Genre Heavy Metal
City Los Angeles, CA
Country USA
Years active 1983-1993, 1998-2004, 2006-Present

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In the early 80s L.A. scene a gimmick was very helpful for a band to stand apart from the crowd. For Lizzy Borden, their over the top Alice Cooper style stage show did the trick. However, there was something else that set them apart which was Lizzy's versatile vocals that sound similar to Geoff Tate's. Musically the band started out very similar to other Metal Blade artists like Obsession or Savage Grace. Over time, however, their sound evolved incorporating many different styles from glam to goth to classical. Though they never gained mainstream success, they had several brushes with fame such as appearing in the movie The Decline Of Western Civilization Part II.
The band has undergone many lineup changes over the years with only drummer Joey Scott Harges and of course Lizzy Borden remaining from the original lineup. Their 1987 album Visual Lies which features their biggest hit, "Me Against The World", also features Joe Holmes on guitar who later played with David Lee Roth and Ozzy Osbourne. Marten Andersson, the bassist since 1992, has also toured with Lynch Mob. They disbanded briefly from 2004 to 2006 when then guitarist Alex Nelson died in a car crash. Around this time Lizzy, Joey and Marten worked on a more hard rock oriented project called Starwood . Lizzy Borden's latest lineup includes guitarists AC Alexander (who also plays for Warrior) and Dario Lorina (formerly with Jani Lane).

- Keir

Albums (11)
Songs (115)
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Hits 9992
Now Playing:
Set Me Free
Don't Cry Wolf
Time Left: 01:46

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