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Sex Action." "Wow!" Talk about love Talk about love I've been around this great big world, yeah Had my share of shaddy deals and girls, hey Now I've been thinking about the coming attraction The wink of an eye and the gleam of satisfaction Talk about love Talk about love [chrous] Here she comes Never get enough of that Sex action Baby knows Wherever she goes She got sex action Howze baby, I got the potion, woo! You're a cool operator got the machine in motion Now, we're all alone Doing all the talking She's got me on my back Let her fingers do the walking Talk about love Talk about love [chrous] Wow! Talk about love Talk about love Here she comes I never get enough of that Sex action S-E-X Who's next at Sex action And it always feels so good Girl she got style Boy she got sleaze Ah, she's knocking them dead She's got me down on my knees Uh-oh Now listen I'm a sex gun lover In the heat of the night Don't run for cover I got you in my sight Talk about love Ooh, talk about love [chrous] S-E-X I know who's next for Sex action Baby knows wherever she goes She's gonna get it (Sex action) She's gonna get it, yeah (Sex action) I'm gonna give to her (Sex action), yeah She's gonna get it (Sex action) Sex (Sex action) Ooh, sex (Sex action)


Comments (1)

Wednesday, 26 September 2012 18:17
This track is in every way Classic HR80s! 10 stars and nothing less.
Hits 1863
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