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Currently 53,671 Songs Available from 5,610 Albums by 1,645 Artists


Yeah, I got the music cranking Japanese TV My head is full of jasmine smoke I can hardly breathe Turquoise dragons slip and slide Sliding down my back I'm standing on this cold, thin ice And I'm about to crack I'm over I'm over Over the edge Seven candles burn so bright The full moon behind a veil The ocean crashing in my head Outside the sirens wail Jet black is my dirty hair Jet black my heart and car My lips are red, my skin snow white My face is battle scarred I no longer feel the pain No longer feel my love Just the air conditioner And some help from the Lord above Coughing up pieces of my broken heart My eyes work like radar I'm lyin' in the afterglow How would I ever get this far I'm over I'm over Over the edge


Comments (1)

Michael Edmonds
Tuesday, 28 May 2013 18:53
Hopefully they approve the video I just found of this song. It has subtitles, but so what....It was good.
Hits 1639
Hollywood Vampires Songs Some Lie 4 Love »
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