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( Bob Halligan Jr. ) You're deceiving me You're mistreating me Yet you still get away with it Maybe I am wrong It's gone on so long If you do wrong You will pay for it Criminal is a very strong word For someone who once loved you I'm so scared Of the truth I haven't heard And the weight of it all Hangs above you RAISE THE HAMMER Let justice be done RAISE THE HAMMER Come down on the guilty one RAISE THE HAMMER If I'm not right Then prove it tonight Waiting up all night Lonely till daylight You come home with an alibi Little left to share Somehow I still care I can't go on not knowing why The case won't end 'Til I'm sure I've got the proof And the jury will decide it My revenge is to see you tell the truth And whatever the answer I will find it RAISE THE HAMMER Let justice be done RAISE THE HAMMER Come down on the guilty one RAISE THE HAMMER If I'm not right Then prove it tonight


Halligan, Bob Jr


Hits 1220
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