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Dan Wexler, Stephen Clifford) I never said, it'd be easy, Why are you making it hard? I knew our love was a gamble From the cut of the cards Just give me one good reason Before you walk out the door I gave you all that I had But you were asking for more You're telling me it's over And you want out I watch you as you're leaving All I can do is shout Take another SHOT AT MY HEART Go ahead and fire away Take another shot, Take another SHOT AT MY HEART You were looking for someone I knew it right from the start Someone to hold and protect you Who'd never break your heart I thought you knew that I cared When I looked in your eyes After all that we've shared Was our love just a lie? It doesn't matter to me Who was wrong or right It won't matter to me Stay with me one more night Take another SHOT AT MY HEART Go ahead and blow it away Take another shot Take another SHOT AT MY HEART


Dan Wexler/Stephan Cifford


Hits 1077
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