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(John Aquilino, Bob Haligan Jr.) I'm fallin' I'm callin' Out here on the edge You don't hear me Nowhere near me Has the last word been said My lonely gaze- Lost your sweet protection No more days- Of wearin' your reflection NAKED EYES Stripped of you They wear lonely tears tonight NAKED EYES Faded blue Watchin you fall out of love and out of sight No reason You're just leavin' And I hate to see you cry You wave to me Look right through me Was this whole world a lie Broken dreams- Live on as a nightmare Every scene Plays on without you there Thinkin' all night of what we did right Won't change goodbye You're the memory I'm just a bad dream Woke yourself up and wiped me out of your eyes


Halligan, Bob Jr/John Aquilino


Hits 1064
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