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(Dan Wexler, Stephen Clifford, Mike Varney) I, wanna ROCK MY RADIO I wanna Rock, my radio I wanna rock, Wanna ROCK MY RADIO I wanna rock, my radio I'm so sick and tired Being told what to do If I don't get my way Then I'm just about through I won't be taking orders I'm over being told How late, how loud I can ROCK MY RADIO I, wanna ROCK MY RADIO I wanna Rock, my radio I wanna rock, Wanna ROCK MY RADIO I wanna rock, my radio I'm driving far away Don't need no regulations Driving far away And cranking up my favorite station I, wanna ROCK MY RADIO I wanna Rock, my radio I wanna rock, Wanna ROCK MY RADIO I wanna rock, my radio Nowhere to hide No privacy People asking questions They always mess with me My parents never liked me I'm the family disgrace All I wanna do Is get out of this place Come on let's turn it up Nobody's gonna turn me down I wanna hear it louder Wanna hear it all around


Dan Wexler/Mike Varney/Stephan Clifford


Hits 1152
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