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(Dan Wexler, Bob Halligan Jr.) Black leather, Red lace Sway to the sound We're turning this place Into a battleground So hot I'm gonna soot Six string at the ready Loaded, aiming at you But I'm holding steady Don't fire 'Til you see THE WHITES OF THEIR EYES Fists higher Let me see the whites of your eyes Step closer if you dare Walk on the ledge Don't tell me, you're too scared To stand near the edge Hey, you there in the dark You know you can't hide I'll wait 'til you go too far I'm taking no chances tonight Don't fire 'Til you see THE WHITES OF THEIR EYES Fists higher Let me see the whites of your eyes Of your eyes (Guitar Solo) (Don't fire) Don't fire 'til you see THE WHITES OF THEIR EYES Fists higher Let me see The whites of your eyes (Don't fire) Don't fire 'til you see THE WHITES OF THEIR EYES Fists higher Let me see The whites of your eyes (Don't fire) Don't fire 'til you see THE WHITES OF THEIR EYES Fists higher Let me see The whites of your eyes Of your eyes


Dan Wexler/Halligan, Bob Jr


Hits 1043
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