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You are the reason I still survive You keep believing I never lie Those late night parties They drag me to Can't think of leaving Without seeing you This song I'm singing I wrote for you It's your descision What you're gonna, What you're gonna do IT"S UP TO YOU What you're gonna do IT'S UP TO YOU What you're gonna do When day turns to evening I will be there There's no time for cheating So throw away your tears Lets face it honey We both really care Just keep believing And don't be scared This song I'm singing I wrote for you It's your descision What you're gonna, What you're gonna do You know IT'S UP TO YOU What you're gonna do IT'S UP TO YOU What you're gonna do (Guitar Solo) This song I'm singing I wrote for you It's your descision What you're gonna, What you're gonna do You know IT'S UP TO YOU What you're gonna do IT'S UP TO YOU What you're gonna do


Hits 1152
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