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She stands in the dark, on a cold Friday night Her body glows, from the fire in her eyes She looks so wicked, with legs long and lean Tuned to perfection, the best that you have seen She's all that I wanted All that I need My lady's a killer She's a killer machine She's a killer machine Walk from a distance, her shadow will appear The roar of the engine, is all that you will hear This lady's mine, she's beaten all the best One touch from her hand, you'll burn like all the rest She's all that I wanted All that I need My lady's a killer She's a killer machine She's a killer machine Hard, fast, and mean My lady's a killer machine Once you fire her up You know you can't cool her down She's always running hot She's the fastest, the fastest ride in town (Guitar Solo) She's all that I wanted All that I need My lady's a killer She's a killer machine She's a killer machine Hard, fast, and mean My lady's a killer machine


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