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Currently 53,671 Songs Available from 5,610 Albums by 1,645 Artists


The freeway is jammed and it's backed up for miles The car is an oven and baking is wild Nothing is ever the way it should be What we deserve we just don't get you see A briefcase, a lunch and a man on the edge Each step gets closer to losing his head Is someone in heaven are they looking down 'Cause nothing is fair just you look around Falling down (6x) He's sick of waiting of lying like this There's a hole in the sky for the angels to kiss Branded a leper because you don't fit In the land of the free you can live by your wits Once he built missiles a nation's defense Now he can't even give birthday presents Across the city he leaves in his wake A glimpse of the future a cannibal state Falling down (6x) The freeway is jammed and it's backed up for miles The car is an oven and baking is wild Nothing is ever the way it should be What we deserve we just don't get you see A briefcase, a lunch and a man on the edge Each step gets closer to losing his head Is someone in heaven are they looking down 'Cause nothing is fair just you look around Falling down


Hits 1453
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