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I am a man who walks alone And when I'm walking a dark road At night, or strolling through the park When the light begins to change I sometimes feel a little strange A little anxious when it's dark. Fear of the dark,fear of the dark I have constant fear that something's always near Fear of the dark,fear of the dark I have a phobia that someone's always there Have you run your fingers down the wall And have you felt your neck skin crawl When you're searching for the light ? Sometimes when you're scared to take a look At the corner of the room You've sensed that something's watching you. Fear of the dark,fear of the dark I have constant fear that something's always near Fear of the dark,fear of the dark I have a phobia that someone's always there Have you ever been alone at night Thought you heard footsteps behind And turned around, and no-one's there ? And as you quicken up your pace You find it hard to look again Because you're sure there's someone there Fear of the dark,fear of the dark I have constant fear that something's always near Fear of the dark,fear of the dark I have a phobia that someone's always there Watching horror films the night before Debating witches and folklore The unknown troubles on your mind Maybe your mind is playing tricks You sense, and suddenly eyes fix On dancing shadows from behind. Fear of the dark, fear of the dark I have a constant fear that something's always near Fear of the dark, fear of the dark I have a phobia that someone's always there. When I'm walking a dark road I am a man who walks alone


Comments (1)

Sunday, 06 November 2011 03:13
UP THE IRONS! \^/ \^/ \^/ \^/ \^/
Hits 1165
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