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You walk through the subway, his eyes burn a hole in your back, A footstep behind you, he lunges prepared for attack. Scream for mercy, he laughs as he's watching you bleed, Killer behind you, his blood lust defies all his needs. My innocent victims are slaughtered with wrath and despise, The mocking religion of hatred that burns in the night. I have no one, I'm bound to destroy all this greed, A voice inside me compelling to satisfy me. I can see what a life's meant to be, And you'll never know how I came to forsee, see, see. My faith in believing is stronger than lifelines and ties, With the glimmer of metal my moment is ready to strike. Death call arises, a scream breaks the still of the night, Another tomorrow, remember to walk in the light! I have found you, and now there is no place to run, Excitement shakes me, oh God help me what have I done?! Oooh yeah, I've done it! YEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHH! You walk through the subway, my eyes burn a hole in your back, A footstep behind you, he lunges prepared for attack. Scream for mercy, he laughs as he's watching you bleed, Killer behind you, my blood lust defies all my needs. Oooh look out, I'm coming for you! Ahahahaha!


Hits 1615
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