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Always tried so hard to leave a tragic story It's tearing me apart you never really care Never met with your approval from your higher category Found life at killing pace and wanna have my share I've been led to the water to lap up So I'm not gonna dry out draining [Chorus] King of the mountain Devil has taken my reason I got spooks in the attic We dance on the mountain And pleasure replacing my reason Got spooks in the attic I'm a family kind of man I've lately started number ten Too alien to find somebody home Hyper salivation - hyper ventilation Heading for the grail across the sea of lubrication I'm out for it while rather on my own Don't you see all the water so get down If you don't wanna dry out draining [Chorus] There is no place for reason Taking to the crest And you won't go down in history with reason And that stand no reason [Solo] [Chorus]


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