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Darkness has covered the opera house Something is wrong you can fell There's a devil in disguise A traitor has taken the dais Catalogue people spend a pitying gaze What can a man do in such a case Aristocratic experts on art vomit all over the place And they wish I'd be doomed eternally [Chorus] Forever French-frying You'd love to see me dying Wo's let the peacock in to Rock the house - opera house You want me French-fried and You'd love to see me fired and Then kill Judas in the opera house Opera house Huntsmen are rushing around After the peacock oh no The baton is pink and it's clear: He is a queer He likes it into his rear Rumors arise he is from outerspace THey're out for the bounty And still they're amazed Aristocratic lemmings with a Highsnobiety leer Get the chef to make peacock fillet steak [Chorus] We came from a solar system far away Facing your goggle eyes To protect this jolly bedlam from decay Facing your goggle eyes Who do you think you are To think you're off a better class? Who do you think you are TO expect us to kiss your ass? We've come to chase the monkey off your back Facing your goggle eyes And we're expected some may sound an attack Facing your goggle eyes Who do you think you are To think you're of a higher class? Who do you think you are TO expect us to kiss your ass? We're gonna be Taking a chance - taking the chance TO get you darting a glance - darting a glance At us starting to prance - starting the dance Of the oddballs And you're invited Taking the chance - taking the chance To get you darting a glance - darting a glance At us starting to prance - starting to dance Of the oddballs Frankenstein is out of control Donkey has been given a soul Flamboyantly he's playing his song And they can't get it The nuthead he is going insane The screwball is igniting the flame Pandora's box has opened behold Madness rising [Solo] You say treason but I tell you There ain't no reason We just have our share We don't care as long as we're alive Love our sound and like to hear: Where's the chef to make Judas-fillet-steak [Chorus]


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