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Waiting for a little sign Seems like to no avail Strolling down the pavement aimlessly Waitin for someone to snatch her bag of memories How come you call it destiny? When the cross you bear's your only company Never seen you, I don't even know you're name But still I believe That you are gonna save me Somehow I got a notion Just a little affection on this cold and windy road Save me, from a state of un-emotion Just a little affection on this windy road Why so long? so confusing? Why's growing up hurt soo bad? Seek what we had lost, we get found and go again I don't know what's gone to me I won't make any promise I believe Never seen you, I don't even know you're name But still I believe That you are gonna save me Somehow I got a notion Just a little affection on this cold and windy road Save me, from a state of un-emotion Just a little affection on this windy road I don't know if I can, I don't know if I should I don't know what is right, and what's to come if you would Here I stand in rain, here in stand in the cold I been locked into (something), another shout in my soul, no I'm afraid of that harm Save, save me, got a notion That you are gonna save me Somehow I got a notion Just a little affection on this cold and windy road Save me, from a state of un-emotion Just a little affection on this windy road


Hits 1323
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Time Left: 01:35

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