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What do you think when you spit in my face How does if feel to accuse and to haze Now look at me, I'm not one of your kind And I prefer to stay behind And walk the wicked way We don't wanna be like you We don't get than king of fools We don't mind your life is trite You are the king of fools. We are never gonna be like you We don't follow - King of fools You're the blind to lead the blind And I walk the wicked way You feel at ease as you flock with the masses What do you see with your heads in their asses Keep on railing at what I believe Call me insane and I am proud to be And walk the wicked way We don't wanna be like you Don't you get than king of fools We don't mind your life is trite You are the king of fools We're not gonna be like you We don't follow - King of fools You are the blind to lead the blind - oh


Hits 961
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Time Left: 02:43

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