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Oh if only Brazil was not so far Far away I would swim or walk or ride But never ever fly But all the noise of the maniacs there The seat on my face it's worth to bear But I don't wanna bounce and die But then I see a lady in a tight blue dress I close my eyes, I know what I would go for Stewardess before the crash Lavatory love machine No fear can quell my steam Lavatory live machine No cabin fire burn my dream I'm at you disposal I gotta get up to see what you ain't gotta hide Wheeling junk along the aisle Keep your seat belt fastened You're whipping with an iron voice You command Uh mistress I am in your hands And when she asks me what I'd like to eat I realise the domina feels the same And I reply... What about your pie? Lavatory love machine No fear can quell my steam Lavatory live machine No cabin fire burn my dream Lavatory love machine No broken wings to stop me stream Lavatory love machine Honey do you like the way I cream?! Now if I gotta die I'll have been stiff and smiling till the crash Let them know I've been alive Till I made my final splash Lavatory love machine No fear can quell my steam Lavatory live machine No cabin fire burn my dream Don't hear those scary noises From the turbine when you scream


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Time Left: 02:40

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