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The sound of explosions, the children awake The turn of the tide acts up The ground it starts to quake A pile of dented steel, in fear I realize... Behind the shuttle's windshield two evil shining eyes... Highspeed Alien Drum Bunny Highspeed Alien Drum Bunny Handcuffed they take the stranded Straight into their lab, examine him, his DNA What you give is what you will get He takes his magic carrot A bang and drums appear He starts to play like thunder Mankind flee to save your hearing Highspeed Alien Drum Bunny Highspeed Alien Drum Bunny [Chorus] Save us now! Somebody, save us now Someone, from Highspeed A.D.B. Save us now! Somebody, save us now Someone, from Highspeed A.D.B. Bum Bum Bunny B. Life is a drag I can tell But let me count to four And then you play the roll of Hell One, two, one, two, three, four! [Solo] Highspeed Alien Drum Bunny Highspeed Alien Drum Bunny Hi fish, alien drum bunny - Hasi, alien drum bunny [Repeat chorus] "This is Alien Drum Bunnies' revenge - Resistance is futile!" Save us now! [Solo] Highspeed... Highspeed... Alien Drum Bunny!


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