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Yeah...! In a world of hate pollution We can't breathe anymore. We've to leave and this time you, The pawn, have won. On our quest for nowhere island We set off to the sea. You call surrender what we call a calm Before the storm... [Bridge] Pounding thoughts of home They make me know... I will return! I don't live my life for you It's too short to get burned. Stand upright and face the wind... [Chorus] Time to go Back where I belong... No one can prevent me from Raising towers in Babylon. Time to go Back where I belong... No one can accuse me For I do not fear Babylon! Babylon...! You only can love me if you can convert me To attitudes of your brain. You blame us for doing things That you don't know You tell me what you'd do If you were me, but you are you and I am I Lucky you, but this time I say: "No!" [Bridge] Pounding thoughts of home They make me know... I will return! I don't want to hurt you But you will have to learn... You are you and I am I! [Chorus] Time to go Back where I belong... No one can prevent me from Raising towers in Babylon Time to go Back where I belong... No one will accuse me For I do not fear Babylon! [Solo] Ohhh... Oh yeah... [Solo] [Chorus] Time to go Back where I belong... No one can prevent me from Raising towers in Babylon Time to go Back where I belong... No one can prevent me from Raising towers in Babylon [Chorus] Time to go Back where I belong... No one can prevent me from Sending ships to Babylon Time to go Back where I belong... No one can accuse me For I do not fear... Babylon!


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