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From the cradle of silence and of light It took a birth in human blood Angels cried! To the ages of violence and of hate To explore the left hand path I came alive Into my striding, the shell of a God in the cold My soul is just hiding My spirit haunting on to control [Chorus] Flame of the Nile, fire in the darkness To swallow the light Behold the ghost of a God God from the Nile, eternally roaming To swallow the light Behold the spirit of a Pharaoh, Pharaoh, pharaoh, no! [Solo] To the world of Spirits he's sailing on and on Why magician don't you feel they broke the seal Cyril's facing the tyrant everywhere Far away from his grave, Seth is free Roaming through ages Begetting advice for your Kings, yow... Leading the stages Of history that's bound to my strings, no, no, no... [Chorus] [solo: Jens] Don't you see that it's coming, it's near The wise man screamed in the noble chamber Just a parrot in a rich man's cage He's a jester on the court The wise man died and the seance went on And the red one reigned in the noble chamber In dreams of a masterplan For a billion parrots in a big cage Afraid of the eyes that shine in the darkness You don't realize, afraid in the haze You point at the man that grins in your nightmare And don't realize the mirror you gaze into You don't wanna see the spirits behind sceneries [Solo/Instrumental Break] "To the world of Spirits he's sailing on and on Why magician don't you feel... they broke the seal Cyril's facing the tyrant everywhere Far away from his grave, Seth is free" [Solo] I guide your away I make you stay alive My servants taught you know how to survive The way of light is food for your soul But it's your belly that's taken control No guiding light would shine anymore It's just the Red God replacing the core He'll rise again to open up the gate We have to learn for our future, our fate... Ohhh... [Solo] [Chorus] Ohhh...Yeah...! The ghost of a God... Slave to the pyramid...


Comments (1)

Tuesday, 10 April 2012 17:06
Ratings at the date of this posting suggest that you either hate or love this song. I give it an epic 8 stars. Powerful melodies with sweeping vocals and a relentless rhythm section set the background for this exquisite live record.
Hits 1046
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