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Yeah... This is my day, soldiers are coming To take me away - may justice be done I hold on to pray But no God seems to hear me The pain I will face is the price for disgrace For things that I've never done The toll of the bell and the flight of the raven They open my cell, I feel it's too late There's no need to yell They don't want to hear me The morning has come It seems like my work's been done Today I'll be the one Sometimes it's good to be schizophrene 'Cause when I'm close to the end I've got always a friend On my lonesome way to the final decay I listen to a voice telling me [Chorus] Now dream away... Follow me astray To a world that we can reach On wings of a dream Now dream away... Follow me astray To a world that we can reach On wings of a dream I've got the key to the end of the nightmare To leave all the dreams of bane and despair The life I redeem has got the price of insanity That you just can't get 'Cause you're not even mad You only trust in your eyes! Sometimes it's good to be schizophrene When I'm close to the end I've got always a friend On my lonesome way to the final decay I listen to a voice telling me [Chorus] [Solo] Once upon a time there was a noble man like me He only cared about the things he saw One dark night without a moon he loved The dog of his queen Thinking it was her, he enjoyed "Life in the raw...!" [Chorus]


Hits 883
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