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Blinded by the fire And the sorrow of the day I come knocking at your door To dry the tears away The eventide is calling me To take a look into your eyes Pull me on and make me mesmerized Riding on the wings of light Dreaming dreams and holding tight Leaving all my sorrow far behind Your eyes are the gate... [Chorus] To the land of the miracle Where our love can make us fly...make us fly! In the land of the miracle We can find a reason why...and how we can fly! Open up the Book of Madness Read the page of life Who's the one to tell you what to do And how to rise? And if the stars would fall one day I'd climb up to the sky To put them back for you to save your smile Riding on the wings of light Dreaming dreams and holding tight Leaving all my sorrow far behind Your eyes are the gate... [Chorus] [Solo] [Chorus] [Chorus] ...Take a look into the book of fantasy and poetry and you will see... What you can feel is everything you need to heal your crying mind, the soul behind and everything that you may find inside your head... ...A million years have passed away to make us head for the decay and to unlearn just what we yearn for all day long... right to be strong and stick to our ideals are they for real and do we just have lost the thread?... (...I believe in miracles they happen every day. In your arms a dream comes true for me, comes true for me...) (...Isn't poetry one of the biggest gifts to forget our daily life of sorrow?...) I believe in miracles, they happen every day... In your arms a dream comes true for me, comes true for me! I believe in miracles, they happen every day...!


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