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When the missiles are falling, and the reaper comes calling You had better kiss your ass goodbye Atomic detonation, mass immolation Without a warning, all your memories will die So try to relax, face up to the facts You'll either die or the fallout will rot you in your tracks There'll be no tomorrow, only pain and sorrow 'Cause our futures in the hands of a raving madman They spend all their time building missiles so people die What kind of life do you expect for us to live? We're angered by fear, because the time is near When some lunatic will finally pull the plug And forever after, you can hear the laughter World's being plastered by an evil bastard Exterminating faster, devastating plaster Fabulous disaster Now you can see, what this all means to me When the bomb Comes falling Down Now the reaper has called, but do you have the balls To sit there or stand up and fight? Try to make a note, it's your right to vote To keep these fucking assholes in line It will always be the same 'cause they lie in their campaigns Promise through their teeth for total world peace So we know it's not the truth, they should call Dr.Ruth On how to give the people the real big screw They spend all their time building missiles so people die What kind of life do you expect for us to live? We're angered by fear, because the time is near When some lunatic will finally pull the plug And forever after, you can hear the laughter World's being plastered by an evil bastard Exterminating faster, devastating plaster Fabulous disaster Now you can see, what this all means to me When the bomb Comes falling Fall Down


Hits 1447
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