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if you got something to say then come my way i'm guarded by satan i'm riding on baphomet i'll teach you a lesson in violence you won't soon forget the pleasure of watching you is whati will get fight - for what you believe to be right crushing with all your might I laugh at their pitiful cries they run from the fire in my eyes nothing can save them now you've learned a lesson in violence get on your knees and bow or learn a lesson in violence I love to stab my victims until they're dead a knife to the throat or a smashing blow to the head i'm judge and jury my sentence has just been passed step into the circle of hell if you think you can last fight for what you believe to be right crushing with all your might I laugh at their pitiful cries they run from the fire in my eyes nothing can save them now you've learned a lesson in violence get on your knees and bow or learn a lesson in violence


Comments (1)

Russ Yetter
Tuesday, 03 December 2019 06:15
SF Bay area thrash metal at its best....
Hits 1259
« And Then There Were None Bonded by Blood Songs Metal Command »
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