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Currently 53,671 Songs Available from 5,610 Albums by 1,645 Artists


Released 1990
Format CD
Added on Wednesday, 31 March 2010
Length 54:09
Number of discs 1
Edition date 1990
Label Geffen Gold Line Sp.
Catalog Number 720642430125


Comments (3)
Wednesday, 21 September 2011 12:26
Very good European Project
Wednesday, 20 April 2016 03:27
I missed this when it came out, probably because it did not have George (who ended up being a big dick anyway). But this is one of the best "Dokken" albums. If you are a fan and like Tooth, Under and Back albums, go find and buy this now! It is literally as good as Back for the Attack and am sorry I waited so long to discover it and realize what huge gem it is. Just proves Don was all of Dokken, although the other guys kicked in on song writing, this album shows he does not need them!
Monday, 01 April 2024 03:26
After reading many articles and seeing lots of interview vids with Don and George, It came pretty clear that Don was pretty much the "D" here, not George. There was some obvious ego issues, but George is a laid back cool dude who just wants to play music, end of story.
All in all though, this non-George Don release is killer, could easily have been the follow up to Back...
Hits 2624
Don Dokken CD Chronology Humanary Stew (A Tribute to Alice Cooper) » Humanary Stew (A Tribute to Alice Cooper)
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