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If ya caught up where you are Gotta find your guiding star To point you back where you belong Standin' tall 'n' ya got the style A turbulent mass, yer a walkin' rile You've rang the bell 'n' won the prize Let's make this loud Here we are (Back on track again) This is the moment I love to feel (Back on track my friend) Now it's up to you 'n' me (On the rack and) When we leave that place to be (Back on track again) Back on track again Feel the gain building up the spine Exceeding input overdrive You gotta love, then am I rite? You lead the blind, you lead the stream The current ways are much too lean You are the captain of the team, oh yeah Let's make this loud Here we are (Back on track again) This is the moment I love to feel (Back on track my friend) Now it's up to you 'n' me (On the rack and) When we leave that place to be (Back on track again) There is a story to be told, you know Why don't ya share it with the world? (Back on track again) This is the moment I love to feel (Back on track my friend) Now it's up to you 'n' me (On the rack and) When we leave that place to be (Back on track again) Back on track again (Back on track again) This is the moment I love to feel (Back on track my friend) Now it's up to you 'n' me (On the rack and) When we leave that place to be (Back on track again) Back on track again


Hits 1212
« Straight Outta Hell Rest in Sleaze Songs
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Luv Sick
Time Left: 04:11

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